About Contest

More than Moore Contest is a contest of innovative IT hardware projects.

Over the past several decades the semiconductor industry has been the main source of innovations and new technologies, however, the said industry seems to be on the verge of a huge change as the costs of traditional miniaturization are on the rise. Leading companies are looking for new technologies, more compact designs, improved architectures as well as new ways to integrate various functions and sensors. Active search is underway for new materials, data storage, processing and transmission solutions, new human-machine interfaces as well as machine-to-machine interfaces. 

The goal of this contest is to find promising innovative projects in the broad area of new data storage, transmission and processing solutions and support them through development institutions, VC funds and industry leaders, giving them access to finance and mentoring support to facilitate their growth.

Being named the best project in the contest will not only mean access to financial support, the team behind the project will also get the opportunity to set up partnership relations with industry leaders, and get a mentor from a VC fund or an industry partner.


More Than Moore 

Moore’s law says that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 18-24 months.

The traditional trend is towards miniaturization of components per unit of real estate (More Moore). An alternative approach is to go beyond Moore (More than Moore) through diversification, i.e. by adding value through new versatile transistors that can operate under more amperage, more voltage and can switch faster.

In the context of this contest the phrase More than Moore (this is sometimes translated into Russian as Beyond Moore) refers to any new technology or solution that seeks to boost processing or storage power in a way that is not related to the traditional miniaturization of semiconductors. Such solutions include use of alternative technologies and architectures, such as neuromorphic chips, quantum computing and security systems, energy efficient devices, wearable electronics, micro components, including micro electro-mechanical systems, sensors; micro-navigation and micro-positioning technologies. For a full list of priority fields of research see the Priority Fields and Partner Nominations sections.