Иван Лаптев 


Ivan Laptev is a research director at INRIA Paris, France. He received a Habilitation degree from École Normale Supérieure in 2013 and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology in 2004. Ivan's main research interests include visual recognition of human actions, objects and interactions. He has published over 50 papers at international conferences and journals of computer vision and machine learning. He serves as an associate editor of IJCV and TPAMI journals, he will serve as a program chair for CVPR’18, he was/is an area chair for CVPR’10,’13,’15,’16 ICCV’11, ECCV’12,’14 and ACCV’14,16 he has co-organized several tutorials, workshops and challenges at major computer vision conferences. He has also co-organized a series of INRIA summer schools on computer vision and machine learning (2010-2013). He received ERC Starting Grant in 2012.