"TheraMAB" announced the receipt of the second tranche of venture capital investment in the amount of 157 million rubles.

The company "Spektralazer" was certified according to Quality Management Standard ISO 9001-2011

Multiclet and Eurolink Systems Group began cooperation

"Forest Watch" found another fire in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Rospatent granted a patent to the Center for Oil and Gas Technologies

Flocktory raised $ 1.5 million in investments

Rock Flow Dynamics concluded an agreement with U.S. oil and gas corporation Occidental Petroleum (OXY).

Penxy released an application for the iPhone

Avtodoria launched a system in test mode in the Republic of Kazakhstan for catching speeding violations

"Asteros Business Contact. Telecom“ was the first to receive international recognition of quality by TM Forum in Russia

AVIAREAL received a favorable decision on its Russian patent application for its augmented reality tracking system.



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