The company Display has declared the start of international sales of its first production models of air displays with multi-touch systems

The service for the online reservation of hotels raised $25 million in a new round of funding.

"MobilitiLab" presented the MobileSputnik software

Forbes ranked the Speaktoit Assistant among the top 10 apps capable of improving the productivity of business in 2013

In Tatarstan, the system of the company Avtodoria began working in pilot mode.

The Russian project “DO-RA” found partners for production and distribution in Japan

JSC Russian Railways received two “TEM14” innovative locomotives from the holding company "Sinara Transport Machines"

Optogan X10 was named product of the year

TEEMP” technology received recognition from the top European experts

The RAMS Research Center for Medical Genetics and Sequoia genetics signed a cooperation agreement

"NeuroMax" received permission to conduct a Phase Ib clinical trial of a drug for the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy

The company RoboCV was assigned an investment attractiveness rating of BBB



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