
Группа занимается разработкой концепции МДУ на основе научных разработок и идей членов группы, включающей 2-х докторов медицинских наук и 2-х кандидатов технических наук. Прототип-устройство дистанционного мониторинга состояния пловцов сборной России.

About En

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The group develops a concept of the MDD based on scientific developments and ideas of the members of the group, which includes 2 doctors of medical science and 2 candidates of technical science. The group includes highly qualified experts in SW and electronics who participated in many successfully completed projects. In particular a device for remote monitoring of swimmers was developed by members of the group. The device was used in course of training of the Russian national team for the Olympic Games -2008. A prototype of a device for remote monitoring and rehabilitation of stressful states was developed as well. A device for monitoring of the human organism state based on smartphone was being developed.

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