
Группа занимается разработкой концепции МДУ на основе научных разработок и идей членов группы, включающей 2-х докторов медицинских наук и 2-х кандидатов технических наук. Прототип-устройство дистанционного мониторинга состояния пловцов сборной России.

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The proposed concept of the MDD is oriented on development of a cheap, available for everybody device which can be used without participation of experts and has the following particularities : 1. Intellectual system of primary and regular questioning of the user oriented on detection of early symptoms of different diseases. 2. Assignment of individual physiological standards for each user with purpose of early symptoms' detection of different pathologies. 3. Using of the model which connects the main physiological parameters and gives possibility to calculate parameters impossible to be measured directly. 4. The diagnostic system based on using of artificial intellect methods including estimation of current state of the user and tendencies to its deterioration on the early phase. 5. Modularity and openness of the system meaning the possibility to use a set of sensors optimal for the definite application and possibility to include in the set recently developed sensors. 6. As processing and communication device the smartphone or tablet computer are to be used. This approach drastically decrease the price of sensors. 7. Possibility to communicate with experts and medical personnel, transmission to them of information on current state of patient. Fields of application: 1. Self-diagnostic. 2. Diagnostic of patient in remote and difficultly reachable regions and also in the regions where qualified medical personnel is not available (eg. in medical attendant and midwife posts). 3. Remote monitoring of the patient current state and course of treatment. 4. Remote monitoring of chronically sick persons and elderly persons with possibility to detect them to be in critical situations : fast deterioration of the health state, falling down, lost of conscience, epileptic attack, accident. It's foreseen also to implement on one of sensors an emergency button. In case of emergency or when the button is pressed on the MDD can inform the medical personnel or relatives using available communication channels or by sending an SMS.

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