Глобальная сенсорная сеть

Разработка современного универсального комплекта технических средств и интеллектуальных автономных сенсоров для построения систем мобильной диагностики любой степени сложности.

About En

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The team "Global Sensor Network" consists of the leading specialists from several research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk State University, as well as a number of foreign institutions and hospitals. The overall project management, the development of complete devices, prototypes and production are carried by Scientific Production Company "Relsib".

Our advantages:

- We enable a complex research and development of new sensor materials and structures, producing software, design and technology of complete devices;

- We use of the latest scientific achievements of our team members in the field of biosensors, sensors on the single chip, optical sensors, methods and technical solutions for electrocardiographic diagnosis with 3-d visualization and biological fluids analysis, use microchannel matrices technology, etc.;

- We provide advanced infrastructure for the research results implementation in the manufacture and to the market;

- The idea of the MDD team is to use the "global sensor network" concept, and hence the scientific research of MDD will be conducted according to the international standards and integration data from the sensors in the network.

Project presentation:

Human medical parameters remote monitoring system

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